134 research outputs found

    Cascaded Scene Flow Prediction using Semantic Segmentation

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    Given two consecutive frames from a pair of stereo cameras, 3D scene flow methods simultaneously estimate the 3D geometry and motion of the observed scene. Many existing approaches use superpixels for regularization, but may predict inconsistent shapes and motions inside rigidly moving objects. We instead assume that scenes consist of foreground objects rigidly moving in front of a static background, and use semantic cues to produce pixel-accurate scene flow estimates. Our cascaded classification framework accurately models 3D scenes by iteratively refining semantic segmentation masks, stereo correspondences, 3D rigid motion estimates, and optical flow fields. We evaluate our method on the challenging KITTI autonomous driving benchmark, and show that accounting for the motion of segmented vehicles leads to state-of-the-art performance.Comment: International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2017 (oral presentation

    PWC-Net: CNNs for Optical Flow Using Pyramid, Warping, and Cost Volume

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    We present a compact but effective CNN model for optical flow, called PWC-Net. PWC-Net has been designed according to simple and well-established principles: pyramidal processing, warping, and the use of a cost volume. Cast in a learnable feature pyramid, PWC-Net uses the cur- rent optical flow estimate to warp the CNN features of the second image. It then uses the warped features and features of the first image to construct a cost volume, which is processed by a CNN to estimate the optical flow. PWC-Net is 17 times smaller in size and easier to train than the recent FlowNet2 model. Moreover, it outperforms all published optical flow methods on the MPI Sintel final pass and KITTI 2015 benchmarks, running at about 35 fps on Sintel resolution (1024x436) images. Our models are available on https://github.com/NVlabs/PWC-Net.Comment: CVPR 2018 camera ready version (with github link to Caffe and PyTorch code

    A Fusion Approach for Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation

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    To date, top-performing optical flow estimation methods only take pairs of consecutive frames into account. While elegant and appealing, the idea of using more than two frames has not yet produced state-of-the-art results. We present a simple, yet effective fusion approach for multi-frame optical flow that benefits from longer-term temporal cues. Our method first warps the optical flow from previous frames to the current, thereby yielding multiple plausible estimates. It then fuses the complementary information carried by these estimates into a new optical flow field. At the time of writing, our method ranks first among published results in the MPI Sintel and KITTI 2015 benchmarks. Our models will be available on https://github.com/NVlabs/PWC-Net.Comment: Work accepted at IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2019

    Competitive Collaboration: Joint Unsupervised Learning of Depth, Camera Motion, Optical Flow and Motion Segmentation

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    We address the unsupervised learning of several interconnected problems in low-level vision: single view depth prediction, camera motion estimation, optical flow, and segmentation of a video into the static scene and moving regions. Our key insight is that these four fundamental vision problems are coupled through geometric constraints. Consequently, learning to solve them together simplifies the problem because the solutions can reinforce each other. We go beyond previous work by exploiting geometry more explicitly and segmenting the scene into static and moving regions. To that end, we introduce Competitive Collaboration, a framework that facilitates the coordinated training of multiple specialized neural networks to solve complex problems. Competitive Collaboration works much like expectation-maximization, but with neural networks that act as both competitors to explain pixels that correspond to static or moving regions, and as collaborators through a moderator that assigns pixels to be either static or independently moving. Our novel method integrates all these problems in a common framework and simultaneously reasons about the segmentation of the scene into moving objects and the static background, the camera motion, depth of the static scene structure, and the optical flow of moving objects. Our model is trained without any supervision and achieves state-of-the-art performance among joint unsupervised methods on all sub-problems.Comment: CVPR 201
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